Some of the biggest logistical problems that full-time nomads face revolve around not having a permanent residence. When you don’t have a fixed address, it can be very difficult to do many things that you need to do in today’s society, such as:

  • Get a driver’s license
  • Register your van
  • Apply for insurance (auto, medical, etc.)
  • Get bank accounts
  • Pay taxes
  • Register to vote

We ran into this problem head on in the fall of 2018. We had been in Missouri for the Midwest Vanlife Gathering in the spring, but we left the state and booked it out West without realizing that John’s driver’s license was about to expire in October.

We obviously both need valid driver’s licenses. So we were left with the following choices:

  1. We could drive all the way back to Missouri, which wasn’t ideal since we were over 2,000 miles away.
  2. John could fly back to Missouri for a couple of days to renew his driver’s license.
  3. We could take this as an opportunity to look into alternative options that might work better with our lifestyle.

The more we thought about it, the less it made sense for us to keep our status as Missouri residents.

We don’t live there anymore, we don’t rent or own any property there (or anywhere, for that matter), and we don’t plan on doing so anytime soon.

So why are we still paying the 6% Missouri state income tax? Why are we locking ourselves into returning to Missouri periodically to renew driver’s licenses and have the van inspected? Figuring something else out could reduce our tax bill and make things much more convenient for us in the long run.

Luckily, there are a few states out there that make it easy for full time travelers to establish domicile, get driver’s licenses, and register vehicles, even if they have no fixed residence. Those states are South Dakota, Texas, Florida, and Nevada.

Choosing to “Move” to South Dakota

A van is parked under a brilliant sky
Gnomie contemplating his future

After heavily researching our options, we decided that South Dakota made the most sense for us. It had the fewest barriers, and it was the quickest to drive to (aside from Nevada – but because they require a one-month campground stay before granting residency, that wasn’t an option for us at the time).

Plus, there are a ton of benefits to establishing domicile in South Dakota as a nomad:

  • It is downright easy to do.
  • You only need to be in South Dakota for 24 hours to establish residency, so it’s a quick in-and-out solution for travellers.
  • Once you get your driver’s license it’s good for 5 years, so you only need to spend 24 hours there once every 5 years to maintain a valid driver’s license! (Side note: South Dakota is quite a beautiful state, so we highly recommend spending time there regardless)
  • You don’t have to be physically in the state to register vehicles. Most mail forwarding services will take care of this for you.
  • There’s no state income tax!
  • Vehicle insurance rates are some of the lowest in the country.

Those are some pretty awesome benefits! There are some drawbacks, though, namely a lack of health insurance options compared to many other states.

Health insurance is a tricky issue for nomads in the first place, and if you have regular need of a doctor it might make more sense to establish domicile in a state that’s at least near where you spend most of your time.


There are many factors that go into choosing the best domicile state for you. Do not make this type of decision just because you read about it on a blog, including this one. Do your own research, because there are a lot of things to consider. To give you a starting point, we write all about the ins and outs of different domicile options in this post.

Here are the requirements for establishing domicile in South Dakota as a nomad:

  • Sign up for a mail forwarding service (about $150-$200 per year, give or take).
  • Stay in a campground, RV park, or motel in South Dakota for one night. Make sure to obtain a receipt that lists your name(s) and your mail forwarding address.
  • Bring your receipt, mail forwarding paperwork, and two forms of ID to the DMV.
  • Sign the “nomad affidavit” that they give you, which says that South Dakota is your legal state of residence and that you intend to return there whenever you’re done travelling full time.
  • Walk out with your new driver’s license!

That didn’t sound too bad. But to get our driver’s licenses we had to physically be in South Dakota.

The issue for us was that we were camped out near Bend, Oregon at the time and had to be back there in a week for an obligation. So we had one week to drive the 1,200 miles from Bend to Rapid City, SD (on the western edge of the state), get all of this done, and drive another 1,200 miles back. Time for an adventure!

Mission: Establishing South Dakota Residency

A van is stopped on the road looking at the famed Six Grandfathers mountain
The famed Six Grandfathers Mountain in South Dakota’s Black Hills

Step 1: Finding a mail forwarding service!

The first requirement to establish domicile in South Dakota is to sign up for a mail forwarding service in the state.

Mail forwarding services give you a physical street address (not a PO Box) that you can use as your “residence” address. They will receive your mail for you and send it out to you upon request (see our Mail on the Road post for tips on getting your mail while travelling). Many of them will also walk you through the whole residency process, register your vehicles for you, and offer mail scanning services.

The most-used mail forwarding services for establishing SD Residency are:

After looking into all of these companies, we settled on Your Best Address. They have a solid array of available services and competitive prices, they do a good job of walking you through the residency process, we got a good vibe from their customer service, and they came recommended by other nomads that we know.

We think Escapees is a great option as well because of the additional benefits of an Escapees membership. But their SD service has the wrinkle of giving you a legal address in SD but a mailing address at their headquarters in Texas. We thought it would be simpler to just deal with one address.

Important Note

There was a bit of a flap in 2018 over the unexpected closure of My Dakota Address, a mail forwarding service that was widely used by the vanner and RV communities. The suddenness of this closure put many nomads in tough situations with their mail, vehicle registrations, and insurance. It also gave rise to a lot of rumors, speculation, and conspiracy theories that they were shut down by the government, and that the whole South Dakota residency thing might soon be shut down.

But it looks to us like they simply went out of business, which is not uncommon with some of the more “mom-and-pop” mail forwarding operations. Because of this, we highly recommend doing your research and going with an established company that has a solid history and many employees.

South Dakota has been cracking down on vehicle registrations recently. Because of how easy it is to register vehicles there (and the lower sales tax and lack of property taxes), people from neighboring states have been registering their new vehicles in SD to avoid paying taxes. Because of this, if you do not have an SD driver’s license, you need to show proof that you’re signed up for mail forwarding for at least one year in order to register a vehicle. This is not an issue for nomads looking to establish SD residency and register vehicles there.

Step 2: Getting paperwork notarized!

Man and woman signing paperwork with thumbs up

Once we signed up with Your Best Address, they sent us a packet of forms that we had to sign and get notarized (if you’re not registering vehicles there’s only one form you need to have notarized).

So, we headed down to the friendly neighborhood UPS store in Bend! Most UPS stores have a notary, and since there are stores everywhere we’ve used them to notarize things a few times on the road. Getting documents notarized at a UPS store typically costs about $5-$10 per stamp, depending on the location.

After our documents were all squared away, we popped over to the Post Office and sent them Priority Mail to Your Best Address.

Step 3: Drive to South Dakota!

Map view of a driving route from Bend, OR to Rapid City, SD

Once our paperwork was off in the mail, we hopped in the van and started driving east. The first night we stayed at a pretty sweet BLM campground about two hours east of Bend. Then we drove clear across Idaho, spending the next two nights at Flying J’s on either side of Wyoming.

After three days of nonstop travel, we finally entered South Dakota. As we drove east across the plains, the looming silhouettes of the Black Hills appeared in the distance. We soon found ourselves driving through a haunting forest in the midst of painting itself for fall, with mountains towering all around us.

View from the driver's seat as a van drives through some beautiful hills in south dakota
Entering the Black Hills from the West

It was one of the most beautiful drives that we’ve yet taken. And – bonus – there’s an awesome dog park on the far eastern edge of the Black Hills, right when you cross into Rapid City. “Maybe we actually will settle in South Dakota some day,” we thought.

Step 3: Camp at a campground for one night!

John and Jayme look happy posing with workers at the KOA campground in Rapid City, SD

To establish domicile in South Dakota you need to stay at least one night in a campground, RV park, hotel or motel (not a state park since they don’t provide receipts). So we booked a night at the KOA in Rapid City!

Everyone was super friendly, and luckily for us they were used to people staying with them to become SD residents. We told them our story, snapped a group photo, and made sure to get a receipt with both of our names and our mail forwarding address.

Important: When you do your campground stay, make sure the receipt has your name(s) and your mail forwarding address listed on it.

Step 4: Head to the DMV!

The next morning we gathered all of our paperwork and headed to the DMV. Boy, was it nerve-wracking! Even though what we were doing is perfectly legal, we had butterflies in our stomachs, like we were pulling a fast one on the system.

Man stands at the counter at a DMV office
John getting his driver’s license taken care of

The nerves ended up being entirely unnecessary, though. When it was our turn, we told them with shaky voices about our scenario and explained what we were trying to do, worried it wouldn’t make any sense to them. But they were immediately like, “Alright, you guys live in an RV or something?” Almost like they were asking us something as nonchalant as clarifying our names.

“Why, yes! Well it’s a van, but yes, we are nomads”.

“Okay, great. We’ll need your license application, proof of mail forwarding, campground receipt, and two forms of identification. Oh, and you’ll need to sign this affidavit.”

We gave them our documents, signed their forms, took an eye exam, snapped a photo, surrendered our Missouri IDs, and we had our South Dakota driver’s licenses in hand! The whole process took about 15 minutes, and was way easier than any other driver licenses we’ve ever gotten.

John and Jayme stand outside the DMV, holding their new South Dakota licenses and looking happy

Step 5: Drive back to Oregon!

Map view of a driving route from Rapid City, SD to Bend, OR

Now that we had our South Dakota driver’s licenses, we turned right around and started back towards Oregon. This time we took the southern route through the Black Hills, and we took a brief stop to check out Six Grandfathers Mountain. Then it was on to a Flying J in Casper, WY for the night, followed by two more Flying J’s in Utah, then the same BLM campground we stayed at on the way east. We had made it back to Oregon just in time!

Step 6: Get our new license plates!

Your Best Address (and most mail forwarders) can register your vehicles for you, and the great thing is that you don’t have to be in the state! We waited a couple of months before switching our vehicle registration, but we recently got our brand new South Dakota plates!

Step 7: Switch our auto insurance!

One big benefit of “moving” to South Dakota is that they have lower auto insurance rates than many other states. Switching our car insurance was a simple matter of logging onto their website and updating our address to our new one in South Dakota. Doing this slashed our premium by over 20%!

Important Note

Most auto insurance requires you to have a “garageable” address, which a mail forwarding service decidedly is not. There are insurance agents you can speak with in South Dakota that are fully versed on the mail forwarding scene and can navigate you to good auto insurance options. It’s also worth noting that America’s Mailbox has their own campground, which means they technically qualify as a “garageable” address where you have the option to live and/or store your vehicle.

It’s also a bit of a question mark what insurance companies and financial institutions will do if they catch wind that you have only a mail forwarding address and not a physical residence. After the sudden shutdown of My Dakota Address (which we talk about above), some nomads found themselves dropped from their auto insurance policies because their address had been “outed” as a mail forwarding address. Financial Institutions are required under the Patriot Act to have physical addresses for all their customers – so it’s a good idea to have a friend or family member’s address to provide in addition to your mailing address.

Step 8: Register to vote!

Voter registration is handled at the county level in South Dakota. To register to vote, you need to physically appear at the County Auditor’s office in the same county where your legal address is located (you also need to provide a one-night campground receipt within said county).

Since our mail forwarding address (legal address) is located in Sioux Falls, we would have had to drive all the way to the eastern end of the state to register to vote in Minnehaha County. That wasn’t possible at the time, but we plan on heading up to Sioux Falls to get this done before any major elections come around.

If you prefer to do this all in one go, both Escapees and America’s Mailbox are located in Box Elder, SD, just outside of Rapid City. Your Best Address and Dakota Post are located in Sioux Falls.

We’re Now Officially Residents of South Dakota!

John and Jayme showing off their new South Dakota license plates

Becoming residents of South Dakota was a fairly painless process and in our opinion made a lot of sense for us. Again, we must emphasize that before making this type of decision for yourself to do your own research and make sure you understand all the implications of making such a change.

No matter what your domicile needs are, we highly recommend stopping through South Dakota on your travels. It’s a beautiful state filled with wonderful people, and it has some of the most incredible scenery that we’ve encountered in our travels.

We are now the proud holders of South Dakota driver’s licenses, and Gnomie is looking fresh with his new custom license plates!

For more awesome vanlife tips and epic build guides, be sure to follow us on Instagram @gnomad_home and on Facebook. Cheers!

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1 year ago

Any updates on this? I’m seeing that some laws went into effect on July 1st, 2023 that nomadic remote workers registered in SD (folks with mail forwarding addresses and services but do not physically live in the state) with employers who are NOT registered in SD can no longer claim residency and your tax status is no longer valid.

Reply to  John Serbell
1 year ago

Wow, this may change some things for me then. I am getting ready to get SD residency and plates soon. My situation is unique. I plan to travel a good bit and I work online remote fully. I plan to go to help my family out, and also then to my wife’s family in New England, and spend a few months in NC/SC over winter. So we will be in NC/SC for about 4 months and travelling all about the rest of the year. We plan to buy a small home there and perhaps airBB it while we are travelling… Read more »

1 year ago

I have one question. Do you receive Domicile or simply Residence status following the information you provided? Next, I see many questions about Banking. Most large banks including but not limited to Bank of America, Chase and USA Bank all have a presence in SD. You may simply change your branch to the SD location of your choice. If your bank doesn’t have branches in SD, consider joining a Federal Credit Union in your local area. Most have “correspondence” agreements with SD Credit Unions. Former Federal Employees and Military members (with a good DD214 or Retirement ID) and their dependents… Read more »

Eric Metz
Eric Metz
Reply to  John Serbell
7 months ago

One of my businesses has a Bank of America bank account in California. After about ten years, I moved to a different county in California and my business came with me. I was unable to change the home bank branch and was told that stays at the branch where the account had been originally opened. The only way Bank of America would change the bank branch on record would be to close the account and open a new account in the city I had re-located to.

1 year ago

I did the same thing you did about 18 months ago. All was good until I got picked for Jury Duty. I wrote a letter to court exposing permanent traveler, hardship getting back 750 mile etc the courts response was too bad. You use the privileges you do your duty.

Reply to  Vince
1 year ago

Is this based on residency or voter registration?

2 years ago

Hello just received my SD License yesterday!! (November 2022). Getting the License was indeed quite easy stayed at hotel (in Sioux Falls) asked them to use the PMB address and they did. DMV was a wait of a few hours but had no issues. I was told have 90 days for vehicle registration so thought I would get that done while in the state. This was at a different location the counties treasurer office. Waited 15 minutes then saw a teller. They auto filled out the application form for me from my previous State title. One thing I noticed on… Read more »

Gerald B Morris
Gerald B Morris
2 years ago

Great information for someone like my wife and I considering setting up residency in South Dakota. We are in the process of selling our home in Illinois where we spend less then three months a year. We do have a home in Wisconsin where for insurance purposes we could use as an address. Mt question deals with banking. Since are present bank has branches in South Dakota would it be possible to use new South Dakota address for banking ?I could also use my local Wisconsin branch .

2 years ago

Fantastic info. A great informative read. Thanks so much!

3 years ago

What do you do for health insurance

3 years ago

we moved from calfi. to oregon in 1990 and did that to lived in are motor home
for two years came back to oregon and bought a place . so why did you do all you went though you could do in oregon.

David Rice
David Rice
3 years ago

Do you know if a sales tax or excise tax is charged on a vehicle that was purchased in a non sales tax state?

Mark Drexler
Mark Drexler
3 years ago

Hi, I am new to the whole concept of transferring my residency to another state but it sounds intriguing. I am nearing retirement and I would love to avoid any expense that is not absolutely necessary. I was reading in a SD Legislature, Legislative Research Council Report, quote: “Driver License – If someone has lived in the state 90 days, they are considered a resident eligible to obtain a driver license (SDCL 32-12-26.1)”. This seems at odds with the guidance provided here. What’s up with dat?

3 years ago

Do you also have a blog entry that covers the cost of health insurance? I’ll be retired likely when I do this, and the rest of the requirements are very clear, thanks to you. I appreciate it.

3 years ago

I enjoyed reading your article! I work for the South Dakota Residency Center, and we also provide digital mailbox services and assistance with establishing SD residency. I want to make your readers aware of this additional option that is very affordable. You can google South Dakota Residency Center. Thank you.

3 years ago

Whoa, whoa, whoa… While reading through the various descriptions of fees that one would have to pay when registering a vehicle, I notice that there is mentioned a 4% excise (of vehicle value!) tax to get a title- how is that not mentioned here (or on several other “vandweller” blogs)? That fee alone is tantamount to another sales tax, and is stated to apply even for passenger vehicles (such as my SUV). This would amount to ~$2,000! Am I missing something here? I have fully owned (cash purchased) my vehicle for several years, purchased in another state, have already paid… Read more »

Reply to  John Serbell
2 years ago

Hello just received my SD License yesterday!! (14th November 22) I was told have 90 days for vehicle registration so thought I would get that done while in the state. One thing I noticed on the printed form for registration that the sale date was filled out as today by the teller. I pointed that that at the window. I told them I have fully owned my vehicle for several years, purchased in another state out and there are no liens on the title which I provided to the teller I have from Maryland. I was told by the county… Read more »

JuanAntonio Garcia
JuanAntonio Garcia
3 years ago

Thank You and all those posting info on becoming a nomad not of choice but for survival…for need…
Can’t afford a apt…
Thank You…

4 years ago

Not sure where your information that TX only needs a mailing address is coming from – it’s not accurate. Texas law clearly states that one must provide valid residential address (no top of any mailing address) and business address, including registered agent’s is not acceptable: Texas Administrative Code, Title 37, Part 1, Chapter 15, Subchapter B, Rule 15.25

4 years ago

Unfortunately, not having physical address is a problem in the US, for all financial institutions and insurance, a remnant of slavery. No, not everyone has local “family or friend’s” address they can give, obviously. Homeless shelter might be one type of address that can work in some situations. Addresses of campgrounds, hotels. As soon as nothing is actually mailed there, so one has to either have fully electronic correspondence or has to setup a separate mailing address in addition to the “residential”, where stuff such as insurance or debit card can get mailed to. Another option might be to file… Read more »

4 years ago

Hi- I enjoyed reading through your story and the information you posted. We, the South Dakota Residency Center, in Spearfish, SD, love to assist travelers with establishing residency in South Dakota. Please visit our website,, to learn more. We are happy to talk to you on the phone if you have questions.

4 years ago

I couldn’t find anything on your site about using a service like America’s Mail Box to establish the legal address needed to open South Dakota checking and savings accounts. Can this be done?

Reply to  John Serbell
4 years ago

John, many thanks for your reply. I checked with America’s Mailbox, and they did not offer the option of using their attached campground/RV park as a physical address. They instead agreed with your suggestion of using a friend or family member’s address. But if I follow the steps you detail to establish South Dakota residency, but then give a South Dakota bank a physical address in California, say, won’t that void my South Dakota residency and leave me liable for California income taxes? Maybe I’m missing something. I recently retired, and once the COVID virus abates, I want to sell… Read more »

Reply to  Mike
4 years ago

Mike, I agree and am in a similar situation. Leaving any traces of residency in California, especially California might get you in trouble with the FTB as you have a residence in CA that you use with all your banks etc. The more I’m reading the more it sounds like the only real option is to go with a “friends & family” address. That imo defeats the purpose of the mail forwarding services. I might as well ask my friends or family to check my mail… Biggest issue is not everyone has friends and family in S.D. Not really sure… Read more »

Reply to  John Serbell
4 years ago

Hey John! Does having your banking physical address in a different state impact your domicile in South Dakota? I’m worried about moving my blog (online business) to South Dakota but having my banking physical address still in California. Wondering if that raises any red flags, and what you did about your business banking address – is that also at your parents? Thanks!

Reply to  John Serbell
4 years ago

Thanks so much for your detailed reply! I’ll look into those things! I am still a sole proprietor, but may look into becoming an LLC.

Reply to  John Serbell
4 years ago

You forgot to tell her that is she maintains any nexus with California, such as physical address on file, actual presence, voter, car registration, property, CA accounts, etc her WY LLC will trigger foreign corporation registration requirements in CA, complete with mandatory $800/year franchise tax and by any means will not remove state taxation requirements in high-tax CA. You can play avoiding foreign LLC registration with a state like SD, without income taxes, but you can’t play this money-grabbing game with the state like CA. They’ll know she has that WY LLC once they see her federal return (and they… Read more »

Reply to  John Serbell
4 years ago

*with the money-grabbing state like CA! SD does not pursue foreign LLCs because they have no corporate or personal income tax, CA will purse the fact of WY LLC unless all traces of personal nexus are cleanely severed from CA. Or, if she never files federal return for WY LLC, which is only possible if it generates 0 income.

Eric Metz
Eric Metz
Reply to  Donewiththestates
7 months ago

Even if you have zero profit, you need to file the federal tax return annually.

Reply to  John Serbell
4 years ago

And for that (unlawful discrimination against people without physical address) you have to thank Patriot Act, in case someone isn’t old enough to remember how these draconian requirements came about. Patriot Act -> Know Your Client -> War on US Expats. More to come, be assured. The goal is more control.

4 years ago

Could you have flown to South Dakota instead of drive there from Bend?

Don Miguel
Don Miguel
5 years ago

A point of clarification, you do not need to join a mailing service to register your vehicles by mail in South Dakota. It might feel like a daunting process when you begin but it really is easy. I just registered my 1991 Ford f250 which will be traveling to Baja California in the next few months in South Dakota by mail gathering the forms from the South Dakota motor vehicle department online and working with the good people of Pennington County which is where Rapid City is located. There is not a clear tutorial that I could find on a… Read more »

Don Miguel
Don Miguel
Reply to  John Serbell
5 years ago

I think you may find that obtaining a drivers license in state which you do not reside or live has become far more complicated under the real ID system. I don’t know how current your information is but you are going to have to commit a crime to obtain a DL in a state you do not or have not resided. I’m not going to speak to South Dakota specifically but I own land in Nevada, I was married in Nevada, I work in Nevada from time to time and had a Nevada drivers license until recently which Nevada was… Read more »

Reply to  John Serbell
4 years ago

John some of your information is totally wrong. To begin with it’s easy to get health insurance in South Dakota if you’re on Medicare under 65 and disabled you can get Medicare supplemental insurance also you can get a real ID with the gold star if you produce your birth certificate at the time you get your driver’s license I go through your best address and been of South Dakota residence for The Last 5 Years got my driver’s license in 2015 from South Dakota with the gold star.

Reply to  Don Miguel
4 years ago

Not true for “all states”, simply!…I can speak for California: this 2-doc address proof requirement is for Real ID – but your Driver’s License DOES NOT HAVE TO BE REAL ID! DL is a separate document from Real ID (a license to drive, not a license to fly airplanes without passport), and in California you can get both: NON-Real ID DL and Real ID DL. Only latter requires 2-docs for address. My lastest and recent California DL is non-Real ID which I opted for, and did not require 2-doc for address. I won’t be playing their unlawfuil Real ID games.

Robyn England
Robyn England
5 years ago

Super duper helpful article! Thanks! Is your ID renewal date your birthday (five years later) or five years from the date you got you ID. Therefore you and your partner have the same renewal date? And so I understand properly, you can renew your ID once online, but after that you have to go back? So, in theory, you don’t have to go back to SD for 10 years? We don’t plan on that. It’s been one of our favorite stops and the motorcycle riding was amazing.

Reply to  John Serbell
5 years ago


Aaron Fensterheim
Aaron Fensterheim
5 years ago

Hey amazing to hear that you guys got driving licences out there.
Happy for both of you.

C Walsh
C Walsh
5 years ago

Hi! We are preparing for full time RV living from SC. SC charges property tax each year on our car and motorhome probably around $2500 each year! They do have a max sales tax of $500 so that was nice when we purchased them. Florida will charge us the difference if we decide to register them there. Do you know if we will be required to pay sales tax on motorhome if we register our motorhome there which would be over $3000. Thanks

5 years ago

Did you consider Wyoming as an option? If so, what were its pros/cons?

Annette Choti
Annette Choti
5 years ago

This is a FANTASTIC resource for those people who are looking to find a way to do van life full time! I’m in Missouri so stop by and say hi if you come back this way! 🙂

Zoe Zuniga
Zoe Zuniga
5 years ago

Cool, I have been wondering about this for a while. I have lived in a van and then a car while working in one area and using a mailbox and that worked fine but I might want to do some long term vanaobde traveling one of these days.

Zoe Zuniga
Zoe Zuniga
Reply to  John Serbell
5 years ago

thanks, John! I loved it there and this would be a really good reason to go back for a visit! I like the idea of not having to hit up friends to send me stuff in the mail.

5 years ago

I got my Master’s Degree at South Dakota State University and went skiing in the Black Hills one Christmas break while at Mizzou. A beautiful, diverse state!